Friday, December 11, 2009

Nail polish remover RUINED my plastic lid of one of my cosmetics. Is it possible to restore it?

It was clear, but it had a little illuminator on it (wetnwild mega glo) so I tried cleaning it with an acetone nail polish remover, but it turned into a rough, foggy white! Can I make it clear again?Nail polish remover RUINED my plastic lid of one of my cosmetics. Is it possible to restore it?
Nope. Acetone literally eats through some plastics. If you put acetone in a Styrofoam the cup will turn into a pile of sludge. As for your top, it seems it may have chemically altered the top layer of your top and made it foggy. It doesn't sound like it ruined your top as it's still usable.Nail polish remover RUINED my plastic lid of one of my cosmetics. Is it possible to restore it?
Nope...Acetone eat's threw plastic...One time I was helping my mom clean make up brushes, and I stupidly put Acetone in a Plastic cup, and the acetone actually ate the bottom of the cup.
Maybe rub a little oil on it or use a sand paper to remove the fogginess... but your top won't be the same again.
no you cant

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